You are currently viewing (EN) Feature Film: « The seed, the particles, and the moon » by Dune Dupuy

(EN) Feature Film: « The seed, the particles, and the moon » by Dune Dupuy

Synopsis: Planet Earth is suffering, and Bouba has just been dumped. That’s when she encounters a group of biodynamic farmers who consider the influence of invisible forces. It marks the beginning of a poetic quest that takes Bouba into unsuspected worlds, meeting humans who suggest expanding our perception of life. Just because love is invisible doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Film technical sheet

Title : La graine, les particules et la lune

International Title : The seed, the particles, and the moon
Genre : Creative Documentary (Documentary and Fiction)

Duration : 78 minutes,

Copyright Year : 2021,

Format : HD, 16/9

Language : French Version available with English Subtitles

Co-produced : par l’Argent et Embrassez-vous

Screenplay and Direction : Dune Dupuy

Image : Vahe Abrahamyan

Movie poster : Benjamin Ferre
Sound : Matthias Berger, Alex Lesbats, Willy Boutet

Film editing : Virginie Vericourt et Dune Dupuy

Sound Editing, Sound Design, and Mixing : Edward Brebner

Color Grading : Graziela Zanoni

Contact for distribution :

The movie has been selected in festivals such as : Interférences de Lyon, Atmosphères à Courbevoie, Alimenterre à Bruxelles, Cosmos et Culture Ecologie, GIEFF German International Ethnographic Film Festival, Jury Citoyen de la Région Occitanie dans le cadre du FREDD Toulouse et Bucarest ECOFEST.

Biography : Dune Dupuy is 40 years old. She studied cinema at L’Ensav in Toulouse and currently resides in the Lot region on the Causse du Quercy. « The seed, the particles and the moon » is her first feature film, co-produced by two young companies based in the Southwest of France: l’Argent and Embrassez-vous production. Her work is part of a transdisciplinary approach to reality, driven by the absolute necessity to change our connection with other living beings, both human and non-human.


Jacqueline(s), 52’, DV, 2007

Rincón y México, 39’, DV, 2010

The seed, the particles and the moon, 78’, HD, 2021


Media Kit :

Lot. La réalisatrice Dune Dupuy : « Pour comprendre le monde, nous avons besoin autant de science que de poésie » –

Debate at the Courbevoie festival (in french) :

Broadcast Antenne d’Oc (in french)

RENCONTRE avec Dune Dupuy – La graine, les particules et la lune – YouTube

A word from the author, published in La Dépêche :

My film explores agriculture, which is inherently connected to health, considering its direct impact on what we consume. Our ailing society is daily destroying what could heal it. We poison the soil and waterways, mistreat animals. However, despite my despair at the state of the planet, I make surprising discoveries within agriculture and science. What heals my perspective is marveling at the beauty of life and its mysteries. Healing also comes from the connection to other living beings, both human and non-human. Let’s nourish ourselves with poetry. We need it as much as science to comprehend the world. Let’s not seek THE truth, the exact answer. Let’s accept that there are multiple solutions, that reality cannot be fully controlled. Truth resides in the diversity of our personal convictions, constantly evolving.

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